Category: General

How Customer Relationships Can Be Strengthened Through Bank Marketing

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“The more you engage with customers, the clearer things become and the easier it is to determine what you should be doing.”

Leave it to Harley-Davidson to rev up one of the most insightful marketing quotes of all time. That quote from John Russell, former managing director of the iconic motorcycle brand, provides valuable insight into just how critical it is to focus on customer relationships.

While banking might not be as exhilarating an activity as hitting the open road on a “hog,” listening, being present, and connecting with our customers can enhance the reputation, stability, and ultimately growth of your institution.

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Is Certified Mail Good for Direct Mail and Marketing Purposes?

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If you are a fan of the TV show “The Bear” you may have just replied, “Yes, Chef.” In addition to racking up the most Emmy nominations ever in a single year for a comedy series, the show about a family restaurant in Chicago has introduced the world to the unique language used in kitchens across the country to help tame the chaos and deliver mouthwatering dishes to eager diners.

“Hands” is called out when a plate is ready to be taken to a table and, in many ways, is an interesting way to think about direct mail marketing, especially the potential for certified mail to be utilized in delivering direct mail.

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